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Success Stories

The case studies below highlight just a few of the successful outcomes Service leavers have achieved. For more, read the success stories in our News section.


Gillian D

Royal Navy- Leading Hand

Gillian D

"Make the most of the resettlement package; there’s so much available to Service leavers, whether it’s the CTW, CTP website with videos, tips and advice, events, company presentations, employment fairs or workshops like the Focus @ 4. Take full advantage of everything that’s available to you and get involved."

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Martin F

Ex-Army- Major

Martin F

“Be patient. Understand what you actually want to do an don’t just chase the £s. Money is only one aspect and will not necessarily lead to a happy and successful future employment. Make sure you want to work at a company as much as they want you to work for them.”

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Richard E

Ex-RAF- Squadron Leader

Richard E

“For me, the most important aspect of the CTW was that it allowed some time out from a busy work schedule where I could actually start to think about the future. Sharing plans and ideas with others who were in the same position was also very reassuring."

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Ex-Royal Navy- CPO


“Make sure you network via LinkedIn and also search for HR employees for the companies you’re interested in - after all, they are often the people who make the decisions."

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Tony B

Ex-Army- MPGS

Tony B

"Think carefully about what area of employment you want to be in but never be afraid to change direction, and spend as much time as you can working on your CV and Cover Letter."

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Nigel B

Ex-Royal Navy- Chief Petty Officer

Nigel B

“Identify a direction you want to go in then go for it, and ensure you use all the resources and support available.”

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Stephen A

Ex-Army- Major

Stephen A

“There is no such thing as a perfect scenario, so work out what is in your favour and exploit the opportunities. Network, network, network. Most of all, enjoy yourself, it is infectious”.

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John W

Ex-Army- Lieutenant Colonel

John W

“Have a goal and have a plan to achieve it.”

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Anthony R

Ex-Army- Captain

Anthony R

“I have found that the military provided me with skills that have been immediately transferrable. The ability to manage limited resources to meet multiple and often competing targets has proved invaluable. In addition, the skills I developed in building teams, personnel management, planning and decision making have been used and developed further throughout my role.”

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Graham L

Ex-RAF- Sergeant

Graham L

“Focus your search on what you really want to do; don’t just go for any old job, or you’ll be unenthusiastic, unhappy and move on. Ensure you tailor your CV, interview, and covering letter for each application.”

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