Account activation and login
To gain access to these services you need to be registered with the CTP. If you are not registered and are still serving in the Armed Forces, contact your local Service Resettlement Adviser
myPlan is your personal area which includes your Personal Resettlement Plan, Resettlement Tracker, Career Assessment Activities, CV Builder and Checklists.
RightJob is our online job finding site that lists thousands of live vacancies specifically for ex-Forces personnel.
Is this your first visit?
Activate your account now. Enter the email address you supplied when you registered with the CTP or that you have previously used for accessing RightJob.
If your account is already activated, login here.
Having difficulties activating your account?Email us [email protected] or call 0121 236 0058
Forgotten your password?
Please enter the email address you registered with and instructions will be sent to you informing you on how to reset your password.
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