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CTP Future Horizons

CTP Future Horizons has been developed in response to the recognition and commitment from The Ministry of Defence, to improve resettlement provision to Early Service Leavers (ESLs). The programme is open to ESLs across all the services, who have served less than four years, regardless of the reasons you have for leaving. The programme has been designed and is delivered by the The Forces Employment Charity with the support of the CTP.

Future Horizons

To discuss any aspect of CTP Future Horizons please contact Robert Bralee on [email protected]

Leaving the Forces

Most research clearly shows that ESLs are generally at a disadvantage in the labour market and often do not know how to access the support that is available to them.

Many of those who find themselves leaving the forces early may not have been employed in a civilian job role prior to joining. As such, approaching the workplace can be especially challenging, particularly in today's competitive job market.

CTP Future Horizons understands that leaving the Armed Forces is a key point in the lives of all Service leavers, and believes that everyone who has served, even for a short period of time, is entitled to support in transitioning from the military into civilian life.

CTP Future Horizons will provide support and assistance to enable you to find suitable employment upon leaving the Armed Forces. Through our network of partners, we will link you into the most appropriate level of support you need to help with the transition.

Getting onto the Programme

You can meet with a CTP Future Horizons Employment Advisor at the following locations:

  • RRC Catterick: 01748 872900 / 01748 872949
  • ATC Pirbright, Sword Company: 01483 798614
  • RC Plymouth: 01752 557635

All ESLs should be registered with the programme automatically when they are discharged by their military unit discharge staff. If you are unable to visit one of the locations above, an Employment Advisor will be in touch with you following your discharge to discuss your support needs.

To speak to a member of the CTP Future Horizons team, please call us on one of the numbers above.

Specialist Advice

Once registered with the programme, a member of the team will contact you on a regular basis to find out how you are getting along and to check whether require further support from one of our partners.

You can also speak to one of our advisors on 0121 236 0058 if you feel you require further support with any aspect of your transition back into civilian life.

CTP Resettlement Guides
Job Finding

Forces Employment Charity

Once registered with the programme, the Forces Employment Charity, who work with the CTP, will provide you with job finding advice and support for the rest of your working life.

My World of Work

Knowing what type of job or career direction you want to take can be difficult. As well as Employment Advisors on hand to give support, you can also use My World of Work’s ‘Career Section’ to get yourself on the right track and find out more about yourself and which roles suit you.

Directgov - Search for jobs

Search online for the latest jobs and volunteering opportunities - volunteering can help you develop and learn new skills while you're looking for a job.

Employment Opportunities

Choose from thousands of jobs on our CTP RightJob job board – all from employers specifically needing the skills and experience of ex-military personnel.

RightJob is our online job finding service that lists thousands of live vacancies and opportunities for Service leavers, with new ones added every day. We work with hundreds of employers who recognise the talent pool leaving the Armed Forces and the experience and strong working ethos Service leavers bring with them after a military career.

Access to RightJob is through myPlan on the CTP website. You will be provided with your login details by your Employment Advisor upon registration with the programme.

Support for technical issues with RightJob is provided by the Central Support Team (CST):

0121 236 0058
Email: [email protected]

Funding Schemes

What is an employment grant?

An employment grant is available to ex-serving personnel and their families, specifically those who are unemployed or under-employed.

There are two types of grants available:

  • A training, travel, accommodation and equipment grant: Provides you with support to address unemployment or under-employment. Childcare and medical costs linked to difficulties around attending training are also considered. The cap for this grant is £1,000.
  • A licences grant : A licence grant is awarded if it will assist you to find or continue work. Typically, this is to fund the provision of a professional licence that is needed for your work, for example a Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence. This is a one-off grant with a cap of £250, and you will need to budget for the licence upkeep costs in the future.

Learning and Skills

CTP Future Horizons will help you identify the necessary skills you will find useful when looking for a new career. Our partners will assist you to access relevant educational and developmental courses to improve your opportunities of finding a job once you have left the Armed Forces.

Download programme resources such as information booklets

Programme Resources

The CTP Future Horizons booklet details the services available to Early Service Leavers and the partners that are involved in delivering the programme.

CTP Future Horizons Information Booklet - PDF