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'Transition to Civilian Life' Film

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'Transition to Civilian Life' Film
DPSA have produced a film on Transition to Civilian Life, which aims to provide guidance on leaving the Service to all Army personnel and their families.

The film provides advice and guidance on the key areas to consider for all personnel and their families thinking of leaving the Army, no matter what stage they are in their career. The film can be viewed online at the following links:

To view, the following is required:

1. Access to DIIF, Internet and a Defence Gateway account (easily set up)

2. Both of the following links cannot be viewed in DIIF but can be viewed from home PC.  

And for personnel transitioning following redundancy:  

There is also a follow up Pamphlet to accompany the Film. This can be viewed via DIIF:

Please note, the film is not redundancy specific and is for those leaving the services for whatever reason, however it does include a redundancy specific chapter.