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How to guarantee success during your competence-based interviews

Category: Tips and Advice Publish date: 02/10/2023

How to guarantee success during your competence-based interviews When we talk about competence-based interviews, we’re referring to interviews where employers are questioning you based on appropriate skills, aptitudes or abilities that you'll need to demonstrate in-role, should you secure the job.

Employers want to know they’re hiring someone who is the right fit both for the job and their culture, and so it’s the perfect opportunity to showcase yourself as the best possible candidate.

Research Obtain as much supporting information about the role as you can, including the job description and person specification. If the competences aren't clearly defined on these materials, analyse them more broadly and ask yourself "how will the responsibilities of this job be performed from a skills perspective?". This should help you identify which transferable skills from the military you should draw attention to in the interview, and you can review the range of videos we have on this topic in myCareer Path – particularly in the Career Advice, e-learning section.

Prepare Consider the questions you're likely to be asked and prepare and practise answers for each one. Outline your skills, knowledge and experience, as well as how you meet the specific requirements of the role. Remember to draw on past achievements, both from your Service career and personal life (if relevant) in your answers, ensuring each example reflects at least one of the key competences you've identified. Don’t forget to utilise our CTPInterview tool in the myPlan section of the website. You can set up your own interview, record your responses and get immediate AI feedback on what and how you gave your answers.

Be clear and concise During the interview, remember to use action words that clearly demonstrate the behavioural indicators the employer is looking for. The key word to remember throughout a competence-based interview is "evidence", and an interviewer will likely ask a lot of probing questions if they think you're being too vague in a response; so try to get your message across quickly and confidently. Remember to use the CAR/STAR models to structure your answers, it helps to keep things concise and precise.

We know that interviews can be daunting, which is why its best to practice and refine your skills as much as you possibly can throughout your resettlement – especially if you’ve been in Service a long time and haven’t attended an interview in some years!

And remember, your CTP Career Consultant will always be there to act as a sounding board for you throughout the process.