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4 ways to position your personal brand messaging

Category: Tips and Advice Publish date: 01/02/2022

4 ways to position your personal brand messaging When creating your personal branding statement, it's crucial to remember three things. Firstly, keep it short, simple and easy to understand - the more concise your message, the more impactful it will be. You want it to be a clear expression of who you are as an individual, so avoid making it overly generic. And finally, make sure it's easily memorised and well-rehearsed. If it doesn't sound natural to you, it won't sound natural to whoever you're speaking with.

Here are four ways to position your personal brand messaging:

1. A compelling short story This should be told in the first person and explore your key achievements in a brief, yet powerful summary. Try using the CAR model to highlight how your actions led directly to your achievements during your time in Service; and remember to avoid military acronyms.

2. The value you provide to others Otherwise referred to as your unique selling point, this is where you should highlight your point of differentiation. What makes you, you? And how are you the solution to an employer's problem? You possess many of the skills civilian employers are looking for, so have confidence in yourself.

3. Key attributes Identify 6-8 words that you feel define you and what you do well. Reflect on your career-to-date and think about what you've enjoyed/done well. What skills did you utilise when completing tasks, and how can you use them to strengthen your messaging? Implementing these key terms into your professional documents and general conversation with employers can really help you stand out. You have many transferable skills, identify the ones you enjoy utilising the most and want to continue using. This is a chance to promote the version of you, you really want to be.

4. Your personal brand statement A combination of everything previously mentioned, your personal brand statement should be one sentence that describes what you are, who you are, and how you made a difference in your military career. Once you have your statement nailed down, use it everywhere: your LinkedIn profile, your CV, covering letters and interview situations. Really drive home the impact you could have on a prospective employer.

Why is this important to get right?

You have a unique opportunity when transitioning from one career to another to brand yourself in the way you want people to perceive you. It may be a recalibration or realignment opportunity – just make sure you get the messaging right first time, as it’s difficult to wind back in once you’ve launched yourself to the world.

While we know not everyone feels comfortable talking themselves up, it’s important to remember that everyone else is doing it – and the skills, experiences and qualities you’ve acquired over your time in Service warrant being spoken about.