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Time to scramble!

Category: News Publish date: 01/08/2019

Time to scramble! Have you got time to grab a collection bucket and join us? 

We'll be running a four city collection events in a city near you to raise funds for the Royal Air Forces Association. RAF personnel, past and present, will be on the streets of Bournemouth, London and Birmingham collecting donations, so come along and join the fun. 

We need people to join serving RAF personnel and volunteers in the streets of the city, collecting donations for the charity. Get a group of friends, colleagues or family together – the more the merrier! 

Everyone who puts a donation in your bucket gets a free roundel pin, specially designed by the RAF Association; they’re pretty special. 

We’ll pay for a bite to eat and drink, with regular breaks through the course of your shift. Reasonable travel expenses will also be paid. 

Where does the money go? 

Your fundraising helps RAF personnel past and present in need and their families. Whatever their need they can rely on us to give practical assistance, expert advice and emotional support. 

If you are over 18 and would enjoy spending a few hours or even the whole day to help support the event, please come along and join us!