Anglian Water
Tips and Advice

Anglian Water<br/>Tips and Advice

Interview Hints to Land Your Dream Job

Do your research

Research, research and more research; too much is never enough! You will most probably be asked questions about the role and company, so make sure you've done your homework. For example; learning about the company history, current news and developments, and who the Managing Director is will make a great impression to your potential new employer.

Prepare your answers

No two interviews with ever be the same, however you can prepare for some of the most common interview questions beforehand. Think about examples of successes you have achieved, either solely or part of a team, explain what happened, your part in it and the outcome. Think about all your strengths and weakness, what motivates you but also what demotivates you? Try to think why you want the role and what attributes you can bring to the company. By thinking before your interview you will come across as prepared and focused.

Dress for the job

In an interview, appearances do matter and so do first impressions. Always greet your interviewer with a firm but gentle handshake whilst making eye contact. Regardless of the role, you should always dress cleanly and smartly. This will show that you are both professional and keen on the position. Your clothes should be office attire, even if your role is manual, and keep accessories to a minimum.

Keep calm and succeed

Although nerves can be a good thing at interview, they need to be channeled correctly. Being prepared for your interview, including planning your route and collating any information you need, the night before will help keep your nerves to a minimum.

Ask questions

An interview is a great chance for you to find out more about the company and the role you’ve applied for. Ideally three relevant role related questions should be prepared prior to the interview, but don’t hesitate to ask more if you have them! Make sure they are relevant and short, this will give you the information you need in order to make sure it’s the right role for you.