From Vehicle Mechanic to Engineer Surveyor

Mario's story

I served as a vehicle mechanic in the REME, for 14 years. At the start of my career I carried out maintenance and repair work, then during the latter part of my career I was in charge of an inspections department which was responsible for the mandatory inspections on a varied fleet of vehicles.

I received a call from someone at British Engineering Services HR who had seen my CV application online and wanted to conduct an interview. After speaking to the surveyor who attended our site to inspect various pieces of equipment, I decided to go for the interview.

This was an exciting new chapter in my life (as I had been in the army from the age of 16). I listened to the advice given during my CTW and at the career fairs and sold myself during the interview. I ended up with 3 companies giving me job offers from 5 interviews I attended. I chose British Engineering Services due to the variation and flexibility of the role.

The key skills that I learnt in the Army; engineering, timekeeping, self-discipline, ability to make decisions, fitness and communication, have all stood me in good stead with my current role.

The main reason I got out of the military was because I had a young family and I didn’t want to miss out on key events in their life, holidays, birthdays etc. When I went for an interview for the Engineer Surveyor role, they explained the flexibility of the role/hours (ie work extra some days to finish early another day to attend parents evenings etc) this really appealed to me, and since I’ve been working for British Engineering Services I’ve felt more in control of my life. The pay is competitive and the company contains a reasonable percentage of ex-military surveyors so it’s an easy transition.

The only challenge/ issue I have encountered is the lone working side of the job. I’ve been working as a member of a large close knit team for 14 years and now work alone most of the time. However, the fact I’m at home most nights and weekends means I get to socialise with my old friends from home more so it’s not all bad.