From Squadron Commander to Associate Director Project Management

Duncan's Story
From Squadron Commander to Associate Director Project Management
Having served for 16 years in the Army, Duncan decided to leave and pursue a civilian career in late 2007, with the added motivation of providing more stability for his family.

Duncan works as Associate Director Project Management for Faithful+Gould, a member of the Atkins group of companies and one of the world's largest consultancies, providing project management and cost management services for construction and engineering projects worldwide.

When asked what military skills he uses in his civilian role, Duncan says: “It is the full combination of training and experience that I use daily in my new role. With the exception of the work environment my current role is very similar to my military role.”

Having been headhunted for the role, thanks to his strong network of contacts, Duncan’s advice to others is simply to “Network with Service leavers a few months/year ahead”.